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22.1 . A flat sheet of paper of area 0.250 m2 is oriented so that the normal to the sheet is at an angle of 60° to a uniform electric field of magnitude 14 N/C. (a) Find the magnitude of the electric flux through the sheet. (b) Does the answer to part (a) depend on the shape of the sheet? Why or why not? (c) For what angle f between the nor- mal to the sheet and the electric field is the magnitude of the flux through the sheet (i) largest and (ii) smallest? Explain your answers.
21.107 ... CALC Two thin rods of length lie along the -axis, one between x = a / 2 and x = a/2 + L and the other between x = -a/2 and x = -a / 2.L. Each rod has positive charge distributed uniformly along its length. (a) Calculate the electric field produced by the second rod at points along the positive x-axis. (b) Show that the magnitude of the force that one rod exerts on the other is
21.106 ... Two charges are placed as shown in Fig. P21.106. The magnitude of q1 is 3.00 mC, but its sign and the value of the charge q2 are not known. The direction of the electric field at point is entirely in the negative y-direction. (a) Considering the different possible signs of q1 and q2, there are four possible diagrams that could represent the electric fields E1 and E2 produced by q1 and q2. Sketch the four possible electric-field configurations. (b) Using the sketches from part (a) and
21.105 ... Three charges are placed as shown in Fig. ur 1.20-m noncon- P21.105. The magnitude of q is 2.00 mC, but its sign and the meet at a right value of the charge q2 are notegment carries known. Charge q3 is +4.00 mC, charge distrib 1.20 m – and the net force along its length, entirely in the negative x-direction -2.50 mC. (a) Considering the different possible signs of q1, there are fourformly along it, possible force diagrams representing the forces F1 and F2 that q1 and q2 exert on q3 . Sketch these four possible force configurations.
21.104 .. CP A thin disk with a circular hole at its center, called an annulus, has inner radius R1 and outer radius R2 (Fig. P21.104). The disk has a uniform positive surface charge density son its surface. (a) Determine thetotal electric charge on the annulus. (b) The annulus lies in the yz-plane, with its center at the origin. For an arbitrary point on the x-axis (the axis of the annulus), find
21.103 .. An infinite sheet with positive charge per unit area s lies in the xy-plane. A second infinite sheet with negative charge per unit area - σ lies in the yz-planne.nFind tNhe net electric field at all points that do not lie in either of these planes. Express your answer in terms of the unit vectors ì, ĵ, and K.
21.102 . Two very large horizontal sheets are 4.25 cm apart and carry equal but opposite uniform surface charge densities of mag- nitude s σ You want to use these sheets to hold stationary in the region between them an oil droplet of mass 324 mg that carries an excess of five electrons. Assuming that the drop is in vacuum, (a) which way should the electric field between the plates point, and (b) what should σ be?
Solucionario Fisica Universitaria zemansky capitulo 5
Solucionario Fisica Universitaria zemansky capitulo 3
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